Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Weddings: All the cool kids are doing it

If you were to walk into my house and look at the fridge you'd think I was the girl from 27 Dresses. You know, the "always a bridesmaid, never a bride." Don't get me wrong, if it meant I'd have a killer body like Katherine Heigl, I'd take that job in a heart beat. But seriously,  wedding invites, engagement parties, save the dates, they all litter my fridge. It's as if everyone has graduated college and are in a race to get to the altar.

Last one there's an ugly bride.

I wish everyone so much happiness that I hope it makes them sick. But could we have planned it better so I don't feel horrible about myself for every weekend in August? Yes, I have a wedding to attend EVERY weekend in August. And me, being the quiet wallflower who enjoys eavesdropping on conversation has decided to attend probably every single one. But, that's okay I do enjoy watching weddings (read that as eating the food) and I'm sure it will be amazing tolerable. However with weddings, comes gifts and that is the worst part as a guest.

The gift ultimately shows how much I love the couple.

I have an engagement party to attend Friday. And have yet to figure out a gift. Honestly, I'm more worried about my outfit. I mean let's be honest, I need a killer outfit to hide the fact that my boyfriend has yet to put a ring on it. I'm only half way kidding. I'm not in a rush to get married, but I do get self conscious about it. I don't necessarily want to get married right now, it's a scary thought, but I don't want to be left out of the crowd.

I guess the real reason I'm so uptight about all these weddings is I'm scared for my friends.

With everyone getting married so young, they don't really know who they are or what it is they want to actually do. And with growing up in the South it was the "it" thing to do, get married young and pop out babies. The divorce rate is so high these days and I don't want to see another of my friends having to go through a divorce before they are 25. It's not a nice situation for anyone, even worse when you're still young. I just wish where I'm from, it was more socially acceptable to marry later in life and not feel the pressure to start a family. That's a big reason I go to my hometown so rarely, I get hounded every place I go about when I'm going to settle down and start popping out tiny humans.

Sadly it's not "lady-like" to tell old women to shove it and keep their noses out of your business.

1 comment:

  1. Friends getting married can be such an effing downer sometimes. But you know what? Ultimately you're the one winning.

    WHEN you decide to get married, your married friends will be drowning in envy. You'll be older, wiser, and much better equipped for such a commitment!

    Besides, weddings are amazing, if not only for the free booze and food! Try not to let it get you down :)
